Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 6:46pm

T H R O W B A C K - Tribal Business Journal Cover Photography

THROWBACK to when our photo of J.D. Colbert graced the cover and interior article of Tribal Business Journal! Hey Este (this man), who's of Chickasaw/Muscogee-Creek descent, decided to run for US Congress. In turn, he needed proper headshots for his campaign. With our full support for our native brother, we were honored with the job. His passion for improving tribal economic development has made him an excellent candidate. In a summed up statement made to TBJ: "I am greatly concerned for the well-being of Native Americans and the people of color in contemporary America. It thus seemed imperative to me that I not sit back and passively watch racist and hate crimes unfold before me, but rather step up and take a stand for equality, love, the rule of law and a basic human respect for one another."  

Owner of the firm Holisso Hakv, a combination of Chickasaw/Muscogee-creek words that literally translates into "to make money", Colbert has built an impressive business on 20 years experience offering tribal consulting services in the banking and financial service sectors. At Red Sky, we were happy to be involved in this endeavor and look forward to other exciting opportunities in the future!

Check out more projects like this at redskytotal.com/portfolio!

We felt the call to form Red Sky after years in mainstream business. Seeing the need for cohesive tribal marketing, cultural graphics and knowing the beauty of our culture, we truly felt compelled to bring our expertise to tribal development. Through working with the casinos, tribal governments and small native-owned businesses, we’ve made a name for Red Sky in Indian Country.
